Personal Information:
- All personal information collected by Promotex Inc. and its partners will be kept in strict confidence and will not be shared with any outside parties.
- If you correspond by e-mail with Promotex Inc., your e-mail address will be included in our mailing list, keeping you up to date with recent changes and news from Promotex Online. Addresses are removed by request.
- Credit Card numbers will be kept on file for your future orders. When you place an order after you have supplied us with your billing information, you need only enter "on file" in the Card Number field of the Checkout Form. Please provide your Expiry date each time you order.
- You may be asked, at our discretion, to provide a scanned or faxed copy of your credit card and signed photo ID for verification purposes.
- is secured by 128bit SSL encryption.

General Terms:
- All orders must be prepaid in US funds. Sorry, no c.o.d.'s.
- Canadian orders will be billed applicable sales taxes.
- Prices subject to change without notice.
- All prices are posted in US Dollars
- Colours of models may vary form those shown.
- Where multiple colours are in stock, colour shipped is our choice.
- PayPal, Visa & Mastercard Payments will be charged in US dollars.
- Transactions will appear under the name 'Promotex Inc.' on your Credit Card statement.
- Charges to Credit Cards will be for the total of product shipped.
- Backorders will be shipped as soon as they are available and will be charged to the current credit card on file.
- Any overpayments will be credited to your account for your future use.
- Backorders will be tracked & shipped as product becomes available.
- Backorders will be charged to the current credit card on file.
- A shipping charge of $10.00-$35.00 applies to all orders under
$400.00 within the US.
- A shipping charge of $15.00-$35.00 applies to all orders under $500.00 within Canada.
- Orders are usually shipped within 2 working days of receiving payment.
- Shipping in the US will be by UPS or US Postal Service.
- Shipping in Canada will be by Canada Post.
- Overseas orders will be shipped by 'Air Mail,' unless UPS is specifically requested. Actual shipping charges will be added to your order.
- Shipments to some overseas Countries may be shipped by Registered Mail. Registered Mail Fees will be added to your Invoice.
- Missing or Damaged parts will be replaced free of charge. We may require you to return the damaged product, at your cost, for verification. Please contact us to arrange replacements.
Wholesale Discounts:
- Wholesale discounts are available to qualifying customers and are subject to review or cancellation without notice.
- Extra Shop items -- no discount available
- Various Collection -- no discount available (item #'s that begin with 47... And 48...)
- If you are a Hobby Retailer, please feel free to contact us for more information